Therapeutic Massage

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What is it?

Between spending so much time hunched over a desk, hunched over our phones or hunched over the steering wheel, most people would benefit from incorporating a therapeutic massage into their self-care regimen. It helps relieve pain, stress and addresses specific problems you may be experiencing.

What can you expect from your session?

Your massage therapist will speak with you beforehand to gain an understanding of how you’re feeling and what pains, if any, you’re experiencing. The treatment she chooses will be based on that information, so it’s important to be vocal about what you want out of this particular massage. You will be face down and face up during the massage, as the massage therapist works on different areas of the body.

What are the benefits of a therapeutic massage?

The act of physically loosening muscles also allows the brain to relax. When you’re stressed, your body becomes a physical manifestation of that stress: tense shoulders, tightened neck, etc. This positioning even increases the stressful feelings you’re having. By opening up these muscles, it helps the rest of the body and mind let go of those negative feelings.