Myofascial Release


What is it?

Fascia is connective tissue that spreads throughout the entire body in a continuous three dimensional web. Trauma, posture, or inflammation can create a binding down of fascia resulting in excessive pressure on nerves, muscles, blood vessels, osseous structures and organs. Many times this component of health is not assessed and an extremely high percentage of people suffering with pain and lack of motion with fascial restrictions go undiagnosed.

What are the benefits?

This technique is for all ages and helps with a huge array of issues from generalized anxiety, pain and injury, digestive issues, emotional distress, alignment issues, gynecological conditions, fibromyalgia, migraine etc.

What can you expect from your myofascial release?

It is a slow and gentle process with holds over 5 minutes long in each restricted area so that the tissue begins to “melt” or unwind and rehydrate. The ground substance that composes the fascial matrix is made almost entirely of water and photons, (essentially liquid light!) so as it begins to open you will experience more and more fluidity of motion and a sense of ease in your body.

Your myofascial release will in a private room. You will be fully clothed (wear gym-clothes!) and your whole body will receive treatment, even if you have a localized complaint. Please wear loose fit clothing, shorts and tank top are best.